by Hh_荷荷貝瑞


I hate normality, maybe that's the reason I can't stand regular work schedule. But hey, didn't I enjoy Taiwan's education? Even though it's stressful and meaningless? I guess it's because back in the day ,we had purposes: a better high school, then, a better college. Stupid, but it kept us grounded. That's what happened, after college we have no stupid purpose, we must walk on our own, with bear hands, write our own story and draw new purposes. What is my purpose in life? I became Christina, I only know what I don't want.

Daisy is LOVE. But she is too sad to smile today. Her schedule after school is too crazy that she have 5 homeworks to write after 9 o'clock. Poor kids, she's only 11. Another 11-year-old girl in my class have to take tomorrow off to see a psychiatrist. And I learned that they never really read a book unrelated to school subjects. The Kids Are NOT Alright. When they say they are stressful, that they are busy, it's TRUE. Why do ppl always think, that because we are older, we know better? I never understand this shit. Sharing is much better than pushing and preaching. They should know better.

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looking_for_ericfive_minutes_of_heaven35 rhums
thumbCAI91QWXWAZMia Hansen-Love(2009)_Father of My Children
Tsai Ming Liang(2009)_the visagemovie-is-broken-poster36 stories
FM_Trouble WaterKJ Music and Life (2009)2252f7_HBO_YDKJ_KeyArt:Layout 1
Michael Haneke(2009)_The White Ribbonwomen_without_menthumbCALVZ16G

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我沒有特別喜歡的名模Coco Rocha結婚了。以下這則牢騷就是因為看完她的結婚影片有感而發(並不是要特別走女王路線)。之前就有人告訴我:你沒有辦法兼顧愛情與知己這兩件事。比如,你無法要求對方懂那些上癮者才了解的私密,同時嘆息那個時期的黑人音樂與饒舌,或津津樂道某一年的電影都太好看。愛上一個人需要太多巧合,若對方還是你最要好的朋友,喔那真是太困難了。

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Tsai Ming Liang(2009)_the visage_deer
Je suis fatigué, tres fatigué.

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regular lovers2 

真是難忘記。[離題:虧了蔡導的福,我對白光類老歌瞭若指掌。而且每次哼都很有"畫面"。]《巴黎初體驗》這孩子阿,每次整理資料夾,總驚訝於過多的愛心收藏:畢竟三人清瘦的肉體都在五年的時間內消逝殆盡。就像我每次見到《安那其戀人》,都會記得那是第一次聽到The Kinks的This Time Tomorrow。(NOT《大吉嶺》)。

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  • Jul 28 Wed 2010 11:59
  • 156


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