Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever. Then we could be heroes, just for one day. -- "Heroes" by David Bowie.
很難想像有人不知道David Bowie。這就像《卡蘿Carol》在金球獎抱蛋一樣不可原諒。
至少也要聽過Hunky Dory和The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars這兩張專輯。至少要知道Glam Rock。至少要看過電影Velvet Goldmine,至少要知道Iggy、Lou和The Velvet Underground(甚至是Bob Dylan和Patti Smith)。
David Bowie或多或少影響了我們的人生。他的死亡讓人無法承受。只能一遍遍把歌曲拿出來複習。臉書同溫層是真的,我只想一直待在同溫層裡面。
Goodbye Bowie.
I knew you wouldn't keep your best friend waiting.
Goodbye Bowie, say hello to Lou for us.