

What does it take to be hailed the bad boy of Danish cinema? Among other feats, Lars von Trier co-signed the Dogme 95 manifesto, forcing regimented rules upon filmmakers in a cry for anti-blockbuster honesty. His own entry, "The Idiots," pissed people off for featuring able-bodied adults pretending to find their "inner spazz." He began two trilogies he has no intention of finishing (though one of the main actors from "The Kingdom" died after Part II), and forced aging mentor Jørgen Leth to remake his own short film with multiple sets of no-win restrictions in the experimental doc "The Five Obstructions."

要怎麼數算丹麥電影壞痞子的豐功偉業呢?拉斯馮提爾合簽了大名鼎鼎的逗馬95條約,自我要求、誠實反對好萊塢商業片。他自己的逗馬作品《白痴》讓觀眾大怒:好手好腳年輕人裝智障「找自己」,成何體統!拍攝兩個他沒有打算完成的三部曲(影集《天堂醫院》其中一位主要演員在趴兔時掛了。);強迫年高德邵心靈導師Jørgen Leth在實驗紀錄片《五道難題》重拍那毫無勝算準則的短片(還要求多重場景!)。

More notoriously, von Trier has plucked amazing performances out of actresses who don't seem to want to work with him again, including Nicole Kidman (who blamed scheduling problems for why she couldn't reprise her lead role in "Dogville" in the sequel "Manderlay") and "Dancer in the Dark" star Björk, who once referred to von Trier's working methods as "emotional pornography." And on and on you can trace the mischievous milestones of an eclectic and challenging career that dabbles in meta-apocalypses (1983's "Epidemic"), realist dramatic epics (1996's "Breaking the Waves") and avant-garde comedies (2006's "The Boss of It All").

最惡名昭彰的,大概就是拉斯總能讓女演員發揮演技極限、大受好評後發誓絕不再和他合作;包含妮可基嫚(說明因為行事曆問題無法演出《厄夜變奏曲》的續集《命運變奏曲》)以及《在黑暗中漫舞》的碧玉(她曾稱拉斯的電影技法為「情感剝削、宛如A片」)。持續探究下去,拉斯的惡行惡狀 - 那些不拘一格的挑釁功績,都寫在他的電影底片裡:後啟示錄(1983《瘟疫》)、現實主義戲劇史詩(1996《破浪而出》)、以及前衛喜劇(2006《老闆我最大》)。


"Antichrist," however, proves the most controversial film yet in the 53-year-old provocateur's career. Made in a well-documented fit of depression, the disturbing psychodrama stars Willem Dafoe and a fearless Charlotte Gainsbourg (who won the Best Actress award at Cannes ) as an unnamed married couple who have just suffered the death of their child. Dafoe's character, a psychiatrist, suggests a trip to their remote cabin in the woods in order to treat her post-traumatic paralysis, and that's when all hell breaks loose. Mystical acorn showers, ghostly images between the trees and an animatronic fox snarling "Chaos reigns!" seep into the gorgeously gloomy compositions, and let's just say the images become so boldly graphic (sexually and violently, sometimes at the same time) that at least two audience members have so far passed out. Since von Trier doesn't fly, we spoke by Skype webcam, which allowed us to talk about his shamanic journeys, nipple negotiations and the t-shirt he was wearing that day.

然而,《反基督》卻寫下53歲痞子拉斯,猖狂電影生涯中最具爭議性的一章。拍攝時期充滿憂鬱情緒,這部令人坐立難安的精神心理劇由威廉達弗(also in《命運變奏曲》)和無懼的夏綠蒂(坎城影后)主演;這對無名的夫妻因痛失愛子而烏雲籠罩。達弗的角色,一位精神科醫生,建議老婆一起到森林偏僻小木屋養病,治療她因失去兒子引發的精神失常。亞當夏娃的故事就此陰森展開:神奇的橡樹種子雨、樹林間的昏黯魅影、以及狐狸低吟「渾沌統治!」,滲入模糊不清的狀態(但那是多麼的美!);讓我們讚歎本片夢幻的攝影技術吧:大膽囂張的影像處理(性與暴力一起來)至少讓兩個觀眾在觀影時昏厥。既然拉斯不會飛(?),我們用視訊連線(!),談談壞小子自身的薩滿教經驗,露點談判以及他當天穿的T恤。

I think it's only polite to ask, "How are you feeling today?"

I'm feeling better. I don't really want to admit it, but I am.

Is it uncomfortable to be continually discussing your mental health with journalists?


No, it's a fact for me, and it has a lot to do with what you're doing... At an early point, I decided that I should talk about my anxieties because it's much easier. So I'm fine about it, but I think the readers must've reached the limit now of knowing about my mental problems. [laughs] 

You've demonstrated a puckish sense of humor in your other projects, but this film feels so grave. Would it be wrong to say this is the most sincere film you've made yet? 

Yeah, I would say that it's the one film that I tried not to control too much. Maybe some of the humor comes in the second time you write a script. I tried to write it fast, and I hadn't made an effort to not make it symbolic and to not make it too logical, so it's more of a mess than the other films I did, but I think it was somewhat intentional.

"Antichrist" has many champions, but some people booed after a screening in Cannes . Do you take any satisfaction that at least they didn't have a middling response?

You're absolutely right. I have some kind of strange fascination about being yelled at, yes. [laughs]

Could you discuss the relationship in your writing between this more naturalistic story of a grieving couple, and the fever-dream imagery haunting the second half of the film?

A lot of the images come earlier in your life. I made something we call shamanic journeys, where you travel to this parallel world on the drumbeat, and then bring something home. These animals, and a lot of the images from the film, were inspired by this.

Did one of the "Three Beggars" in the film -- the fox, the deer, or the crow -- represent you on your journeys?

No, no, no. In English, I think it's called an otter. I always thought they were very playful and beautiful animals. You have this power animal that you contact, and that you use.

What kind of research went into the psychology of the film, in both Willem's unorthodox treatment and Charlotte 's behavior?

I didn't really have to do much research because the anxiety is something I've fortunately felt too much of. The form of therapy that he's doing -- in a very wrong way, of course -- is called cognitive therapy, which I've been undergoing for almost three years.

Has it helped?

[laughs] I've tried so many things. Yes, I think it's helping, but it's not a wonder drug. It's the best thing you can do right now.

Speaking of therapy, you've said this was not a fun filmmaking process for you. What, specifically, were the most taxing parts?

I think the shooting was the problem. I had to drink a lot of wine every day to survive it. When you don't feel well, and especially if it has to do with depression, then what you really want to do is go to bed and stay there for a year. That is, of course, not possible when you have to shoot. It was a very tiresome shoot, but not concerning the actors. They were fantastic. They helped me very much.

Besides supportive people, what kept you going?

The treatment for depression is that you should have a very regular day, that you should write down beforehand what you're going to do that day, and the more regularity you have, the better. It works. In that sense, film work is very good because you have to be there at this time, you drink your coffee, and then you do this, this, this. So it worked like a treatment.

I read that you set limitations about where the camera can and can't go. What draws you to setting such inflexible rules for yourself, from Dogme 95 to the autopiloted camera of "The Boss of It All"?

I must say, this time, I did not control that aspect as much as I'd wanted to. The films I did before, I handled the camera myself, and I was not able to [on “Antichrist”] because of this mental stupidness. I was shaking too much for the camera. I had to let [director of photography Anthony Dod Mantle] take the camera on the shoulder.
我必須要說,現在的我,不再像以前那樣想控制這種東西了。拉斯以前拍電影,都是親自掌鏡,但這次在《反基督》裡,因為精神問題,我不能這樣做了。我手會抖。我必須讓別人(攝影指導Anthony Dod Mantle)掌鏡。

Charlotte Gainsbourg embodies her role so audaciously that I can't even imagine another actress in the part, but I'm still curious why your original choice, Eva Green, didn't work out?

She would've worked out, but her agents were very much against the porn aspect of the film, and we were into strange negotiations where I had to say how many times I wanted to see a nipple. At a certain point, I found out that's not the way I can work. Then Charlotte came and was, as you said, a gift for the film.


No other film could play at Cannes , the New York Film Festival, and down in Austin , TX for Fantastic Fest, a genre-based festival where young, caffeinated and/or drunk audiences lapped up the violence as if it were "Hostel" or "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre." Is that strange to you?

No, that I find very sympathetic. It's fun, yeah. I've been young also, and I studied film at the university, and the joyful entrance to film is a very important one.

Were you told about the
"Chaos Reigns" T-shirts that were made during Fantastic Fest?

No, I was not. But that's a good idea because chaos really works. It rules. [laughs]

If you tell me your T-shirt size, I'll see if I can get you one.

Yeah, but you can see this T-shirt that I have on now is too small. I should actually have a bigger T-shirt. I don't know why everybody thinks I'm very, very small. This T-shirt I have now is Ingmar Bergman on a cloud. It was given to me a week ago. I'm not really sure he is on a cloud. I think maybe he went straight to hell, but that we don't know. [laughs]

I'm guessing you don't shock easily. What do you consider perverse?

Perverse? I don't know. You shouldn't do something to people that they don't like. You shouldn't be violent if that's not the game. "Perverse" to me rings fine, but to harm other people is not a good idea.

What makes you laugh lately, and where do you turn for escapism?

We have so many things going on these days in our government, so that really makes me laugh. I can't go into detail, but it's idiotic. Escapism is really working [for me]. I'm writing and working on some ideas now. When you're onto something, then it's so great that you don't have time to think about other things.

You have kids, right? Are they allowed to see any of your films?

Yes, I have four. If they saw any of my films... the oldest girl did, but I'm not really sure how she felt about it. They'll be allowed to see them when they're about 50.

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    逐夢者The Dreamers

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