with Henry Cavill♥ in Whatever Works
AVC: What’s interesting about your recent characters is there is a strong, forthright sexuality to them.
Those kinds of roles aren’t common for women beyond a certain age.
佩蒂最近都演出直言不諱的性感角色欸! 這種角色大部分都給年輕美眉, 作何感想?
PC: No they are not. And that’s why every day when I want to complain about something I say:
“Patty, you’re 49 years old and you’re working in movies, honey. Suck it up. Do a jig and get your ass together and be peppy.”
So I am lucky that I have been offered parts that actually demand things of me
and are complicated and have a true sexuality—not that faux, imposed sexuality that they tend to place on women of a certain age in films.
You’re either in whips and chains or it involves some man a third of your age.
Adult, complex, true sexuality. I’m very happy about that. That thrills me to the core.
是阿, 這種角色很少會給像我這樣的熟女. 所以現在每天上片場時, 遇到不開心的事情我就會自言自語: 佩蒂, 你已經49歲了而且生處電影圈, 甜心. 打起精神來吧!
我幸運得到不少值得挑戰的角色: 錯綜複雜又要求我展現性感魅力.
不是那種廉價的一夜情, 復仇女郎/控制狂母親莫名奇妙脫光光的電影:展現SM絕活或是和兒子歲數的男孩親熱.
大家都是成年人阿! 複雜感情及真正的慾望展現- 演這種真誠角色讓我很興奮喏. (這豈不是理所當然嗎!!??)
w James franco♥ (妳很適合姊弟戀阿...我支持妳去<實習醫生>搶走Derrek Shepard)
AVC: Do you seek those out or do they seek you out?
PC: They seek me out. I didn’t know Isabel Coixet.
I didn’t know her at all. But when she was casting her movie, she said, “The only person I wanted for this part is Patricia Clarkson.”
So I got it and read it and said “yes” that day. And I was flattered and thrilled. I’ve been lucky.
I worked with Woody on Vicky Cristina and heard through the grapevine that he might offer me this other part. (好可愛的用法!)
And sure enough, seven months later he wrote me a letter, which he does, and sent me the script, and offered me Marietta.
都是他們請我演出的. (這麼爽!) 我甚至不認識Isabel Coixet[Elegy, My Life Without Me導演]
但當她為<禁慾Elegy>選角時, 她說:"我只要佩蒂!" 所以我看了劇本讀了小說, 當天就答應她了. 實在有點受寵若驚, 我是幸運兒.
我演出<情遇巴塞隆納>時, 聽到八卦:伍迪亂倫尬意我, 要讓我再演一部他的電影
結果謠言屬實, 七個月後, 伍迪亂倫正正經經的寫了一封信給我, 寄來<萬事OK啦!>的劇本, 請我演出風騷瑪瑞愛塔.
*之後兩人花了很長的篇幅討論演出南方女人及伍迪亂倫迷人的導演技巧; 佩蒂最近一鳴驚人的紐奧良演講和歐巴馬時刻.
AVC: I wanted to ask about one of your next movies, Shutter Island.
我想和你談談你剛剛完成的電影作品 - <監獄之島>
PC: Woohoo! I look so hot in that movie, honey. I look so hot.
嗚虎! 寶貝, 我在電影裡超正, 性感火辣辣.
AVC: Uh-oh.
PC: Talk about it: I’m a woman in a cave. That’s all I’m going to say. Woman in a cave.
好說好說: 我是山洞裡的女人!
我只能如此稱頌這個角色: 就是<貝武夫>裡殘暴性感的原始母親[archaic mother]
AVC: It’s interesting that you’ve worked back-to-back with probably the two quintessential New York directors.
有意思的是, 你連續和兩大紐約風格導演合作呢!
PC: It was heaven. I seriously left Woody’s set to go work with Martin Scorsese.
I left his set and he said, “Bye.” I remember he gave me a hug and said, “Go have fun with Marty.” And I said, “Okay,”
and I left the set and went to Boston to shoot Marty’s movie. I call him “Marty. That’s so embarrassing—Martin Scorsese’s movie.
I mean, I know him a little now. It was a moment in my life. It was wild.
好導演帶妳上天堂! 電影一殺青, 我就得立刻離開伍迪亂倫投奔馬丁史柯西斯.
當我來開片場時他依依不捨:"再見佩蒂!" 我記得他給了我ㄧ個擁抱, 假惺惺的說: "和馬堤好好玩玩吧!"
然後我火速衝去波士頓片場拍攝馬堤電影. 天阿, 我竟然稱呼他為"馬堤", 真是尷尬斃了! 哈哈是馬丁史柯西斯的電影.
我現在和他比較熟了嘛. 那真是我人生中的重要時刻, 多狂野阿!
AVC: Obviously their movies and the people are so different, but is there any comparison between them?
他們兩人的作品及行事風格大不相同, 但有沒有什麼是可以拿來比較的呢?
PC: Well, it is clear when you are in their presence that you are in the presence of genius.
Superlatives and “genius” are so overused now,
but they are truly remarkable people in their thoughts and in just being next to them
—the way they think and the way they put things together.
But they’re very kind and oddly humble within their stature in this world. They are workhorses, too.
They are very different people, clearly. But they put great trust in you, as an actor.
這個嘛, 很顯然的他們兩人都是天才, 雖然形容詞最高級和"天才"都被濫用了.
伍迪和馬丁都屬於那種大家公認的天才紐約導演 - 思考敏銳, 運籌帷幄有大將之風.
但我都要發好人卡給他們了! 即使有今天的地位仍莫名地謙虛, 不折不扣的工作狂.
他們兩人截然不同(不可能成為朋友的意思, 顆顆). 但都很信任佩蒂.
AVC: They’re also within a very, very small class of filmmakers who get to make, more or less, a movie a year.
他們同時還是少數電影工作者, 堅持每年至少拍一部電影.
PC: Well, They’re in the most ageist business in the world.
Often directors, as they age in this business, it is difficult.
對阿, 他們身處世上最容易變老的行業, 衰老對於導演來說有莫大的殺傷力.
AVC: You hear stories about Billy Wilder spending 15 years trying to get a movie made.
PC: Mind-boggling. It’s a testament, I think, to the pure depth of their talent. Their eyes are still very keen.
It’s remarkable what they see and how little they have to say to convey the exact right thought.
膽顫心驚. 我想追求完美極限是他們的重大考驗.
他們依然目光精準,能看到普通人看不見的東西, 用最少的言語表達純正思想.
AVC: That must be great from your point of view.
相較於天才導演, 身為演員你肯定輕鬆多了.
PC: Oh, yes, goodness. My Woody/Marty moment. Marty/Woody.
It was kind of wild. But I survived. I think I’m still in both movies.
沒錯, 天阿, 此刻我享受伍迪/馬堤鎂光燈, 伍迪/馬堤.
真是太瘋狂了. 但我會活下來的. 我現在仍活在兩部電影的"陰影"中.
AVC: Marty needs his cavewomen.
PC: I haven’t seen it yet so I have no idea. I just know in the preview I look scary.
I don’t have a computer so I haven’t seen it.
我還沒看過所以不知道自己表現如何, 我只知道我在預告片裡看起來很恐怖. [kerker.]
因為我沒有電腦, 所以沒看過.
AVC: Really? Wow.
PC: Yeah, I know. Now I’m embarrassed. I really haven’t joined the 20th or the 21st century yet.
Someday. I’m getting closer. I have voicemail and a fax machine.
呵呵. 喔我好丟臉. 我還沒進入20或21世紀.
總有一天吧, 我已經在進步了: 我還有語音信箱和傳真機阿!
with Alexander Siddig♥ in Cairo Time.
Woody Allen - Whatever Works (2009)
Martin Scorsese - Shutter Island (2009)
2081 (2009) [莫名奇妙的片]
Main Street (2009): 奧蘭多開花 & 柯林弗斯
Cairo Time (2009): 埃及觀光愛情片
Easy A (2010): 青春校園片, Patti應該會是學校老師/父母類角色吧?
The Hunt (201?): Stanley Tucci編導, with Pierce Brosnan & Julianne Moore. [期待]
*Still dating Campbell Scott?
Patricia Clarkson: The Actor's Life [附上佩蒂心目中的佳片名單]
獨立製片女王 Patricia Clarkson 怎麼可以這麼可愛?
by Hh_荷荷貝瑞
- Jul 15 Wed 2009 03:20
[女神]Patti's Woody/Marty Moment