《里斯本的故事Lisbon Story》(1994)
收音師Phillip Winter接到導演Friedrich的緊急求救信
住在Freidrich里斯本的家中 Phillip開始閱讀Friz的詩集, 觀看他拍攝的黑白電影
Phillip走到里斯本大街上 進行聲音的採集
(小女孩超厲害 聽到什麼都可以正確猜對是什麼聲音)
Phillip還遇見了心儀的女歌手, 準備巡迴演唱會的她跟他說會記名信片給他
"我拍的東西都不是真實的, 所以我決定要把攝影機背在身上, 記錄這個城市"
Phillip看著滿戲院的底片捲, 哭笑不得, 他的朋友難道放棄了電影的原來形式,
其實住在Friz家時 Phillip就感覺到老搭檔的思想有改變
從他書籍裡作的筆記, 拍的電影 蛛絲馬跡皆有線索可循
We want to imitate God. That's why there are artist. 我們想要模仿神. 因此有藝術家的存在.
Artists want to recreate the world, as if they were samll gods. 藝術家們想重組世界, 好像他們是小神(LOL)一樣
And they constantly rethink: history, life, things that happen in the world, 他們不斷重新省思:歷史, 人生, 發生在世界上的事情,
things that we think happened, but only because we believe; 我們覺得發生過的事情, 但這些事情僅僅是我們所相信的;
because, after all, we believe in memory; 因為到頭來,我們相信的是我們的記憶
because everything has already passed. 因為已事過境遷
But who can be sure that what we think happened really happened? 但誰可以肯定,我們覺得發生過的事情真的發生過?
Who shall we ask? 這種事情我們應當問誰?
Therefore, this world, this supposition, is an illusion. 因此, 這個世界, 這些假設, 都是虛幻的
The only real thing is memory. But memory is an invention. 唯一真實的是記憶. 但記憶卻又是一種創造
Deep down, memory is...I mean, 最深處, 記憶是...
in the cinema, his camera can capture a moment. 我說之於電影, 記憶是: 攝影機捕捉的那一瞬間
But that moment has already passed. 但那一瞬間已消逝
What the cinema does is draw a shadow of that moment.電影所做的, 是劃出那一瞬間的影子
We no longer sure that the moment ever existed outside the film, 我們不再確定美好的時光是否會存在於電影之外,
or is the film proof that the moment exsited? I don't know...或者電影證明了美好瞬間的存在? 我不知道...
I know less and less about that. We live, after all, in permanent doubt. 我對此所知的越來越少,畢竟, 我們抱著永恆的懷疑在過日子
And despite that, we live with our feet on the ground. 而儘管我們對時間, 記憶充滿不確定性; 我們仍然腳踏實地的活著
影像是否真實? 人們是否得靠電影/影像才能確定記憶的準確性?
然而, Phillip錄了一捲卡帶給Friz
告訴他應該繼續拍電影, 不要為了絕望與懷疑而放棄拍電影:
Oh, Friz. Did you get lost? 喔, Friz. 你迷失了嗎?
Those toy images have fooled you. 那些玩具式的影像愚弄了你
Now you are in a dead end street with your face against the wall. 現在你已經走投無路了, 面對的是一堵無法撼動的高牆
Turn around, and trust your eyes again. 轉過身來吧! 再次相信你的眼睛吧!
And trust that old hand crap - It can still turn out moving pictures. 信任老舊的, 手動式的攝影機吧 - 它還是可以拍出感人肺腑的作品阿!
Why waste your life on disposable junk images when you can make indispensable ones? 為何要浪費時間拍隨手可棄的垃圾影像? 你可以拍出不朽的作品阿!
With your heart, on magic celluloid light. 只要用心, 神奇的賽璐璐燈光會幫助你的(LOL)
That's all I have to say, Friz. Friz, 我想說的就是這些.
Moving pictures can still do what they have been invented for 100 years ago. 感人肺腑的電影還是可以做到100年前所做到的
They can still be...moving 它們還是可以...感動人
You are nobody, friend, Mr. Persona, well it's something that move me. 我的朋友, 你誰也不是, 戲中的人物. 那是會感動我之處
In Broad day light, even the sounds shine. 在白光刺眼的早晨, 即使是聲音, 都能照耀大地
Come on, move your ass, finish your movie, with a little help, from your friend. 來吧! 站起身, 完成你的電影. 你的朋友, 會為你伸出援手的.
是溫德斯的, 也是我的(XD)
In Broad day light, even the sounds shine 出自Fernado Pessoa的詩
[金馬]《帕勒摩獵影The Palermo Shooting》(2008)
走出電影院有個男生說: 大概只有兩分吧 (我給四分耶!)
寫完溫德斯, 要整理今年金馬的心得了