最糟的同志時刻Worst Gay Movement由"Prop.8通過"拔得頭籌
事後也在自己的節目《艾倫脫口秀》和汪黛‧塞克絲(Wanda Sykes,今年AfterEllen.com「最勁爆出櫃」得主,也是AfterElton.com「最喜愛的女同志」亞軍)共同抨擊Prop.8。
「沒有一個黑人需要在晚餐的時候,召集全家坐在餐桌前,向他們坦白自己有多『黑』……(並且還要對著父母親說),希望我說了以後你們還能像以前一樣愛我:我是黑人。」 [這段截自破報]
*Wanda Sykes 對於 Sally Kern("同性戀比恐怖份子更糟!")的回應
她還提到初選時歐巴馬和希拉蕊的抉擇: "不過我也很怕歐巴馬當選, 這樣黑人又有新的藉口啦!" 哈哈哈So True!!
*Sally Kern的演講錄音, 及Ellen的回應
今年比較有趣及和我們的<葛蕾之醫院亂倫Grey's Anatomy>息息相關的
當然是第五季所寫入的同志情侶檔: Callie and Erica
AfterEllen豪不客氣的點名GA編劇及ABC高層充滿歧視偏見, 把 CE配 寫爛 成為今年"最爛的含有女同/雙性戀角色的電視劇"冠軍:
the lesbian storyline on one of America's most-watched shows started off promisingly,
這個女同志的故事情節在醞釀初期顯得誠意十足(我還記得是Shonda自己講的咧!) 頗令人期待,
with the development of a lesbian relationship between two of the main characters, Dr. Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez) and Dr. Erica Hahn (Brooke Smith).
女同志情節的發展主要是環繞於兩個主要角色: 凱莉(住院醫師)與艾瑞卡(心臟科醫師)
But it took a long walk off a short lesbian pier when ABC execs unexpectedly fired Smith with a lame explanation that even the mainstream media didn't buy,
然而GA的拉拉情沒有持續太久, ABC的主管們毫無預警地將Smith炒魷魚, 用最乏味的藉口來回應大眾的關切, 而他們的解釋甚至連媒體都不買帳.
and then proceeded to effectively de-gay Melissa George's bisexual character.
編劇們像是沒事般, 甚至還介紹了新的雙性戀角色進劇組.
Dr. Torres remains bisexual, and supposedly has a female love interest in January,
因此凱莉會維持雙性戀狀態, 也許在一月會和新的實習醫生共譜戀曲
but given that the storyline the show's creator, Shonda Rhimes, is most excited about involves one of the doctor's ongoing affair with a dead guy, we're not holding our breath.
儘管如此, 一手捧紅GA的Shonda好像對"死去的Danny"比較有興趣. 我們對於GA的陳腔濫調已感疲乏, 對於新劇情的發展沒有期待感了. (翻譯按: 說的太好了啦!!!)
飾演女同志醫生的布魯克‧史密斯(Brooke Smith)又被電視台無預警地炒魷魚,更讓整件事成為政治層面的爭議。
但他們同時也把「電視劇中最佳的女同/雙性戀時刻」頒給了《實習醫生》第五季第六集,韓醫師(布魯克‧史密斯飾)「我看見了葉子」的一席談話。 [這段截自破報]
我必須承認我看這到這一集(506: Life During War Time) Erica的告白時也很感動
When I was a kid, I would get these headaches.
And I went to the doctor and they said that I needed glasses.
I didn't understand that. It didn't make sense to me because I could see fine.
And then, I get the glasses and I put them on. And I'm in the car on the way home, and suddenly, I yell.
Because the big green blobs that I've been staring at my whole life
They weren't big green blobs – they were leaves… on trees. I could see the leaves.
And I didn't even know that I was missing the leaves.
I didn't even know leaves existed. And then… leaves!
You are glasses. (QQ...)
I am so gay. I am so, so, so gay. I am extremely gay!