Chloë Sevigny│Film Interview│The A.V. Club

The “story” of Chloë Sevigny existed before her career did. A teenager who escaped the conformity of small-town Connecticut for the skateboarding subculture of Brooklyn, Sevigny legendarily lucked her way into an internship at Sassy magazine when its fashion editor spotted her on the street and was impressed with her personal style. Not long after, author Jay McInerney gave her yet another Lana Turner moment, writing a glowing seven-page article for The New Yorker in which he dubbed her both “the coolest girl in the world” and the new “It girl”—a label that’s followed her around well into her 30s.

「小克童話」在她成為因地小天后前就開始了:叛逆少女逃離溫暖Connecticut小鎮、奔向滑板世代的布魯克林,小克因個人風格在街頭被時尚編輯發掘,幸運踏入莎西雜誌實習。不久之後,記者Jay McInerney給了小克專屬的拉娜透娜時刻 - 洋洋灑灑七頁,在《紐約客》封她為「世界上最酷的女孩」和「獨領風騷女」 - 這是克露伊步入而立之年,依然撕不掉的標籤。

Sevigny’s Edie Sedgwick-without-the-manic-depression image drove early interest in her career (particularly winning her roles in cult indie films like The Last Days Of Disco and those made with ex-boyfriend Harmony Korine), beginning with her Oscar-nominated breakthrough in Boys Don’t Cry. But Sevigny has spent the last decade-plus quietly building a résumé of impressive performances that have nothing whatsoever to do with “cool”—culminating in her recent, Golden Globe-winning turn as Nicki Grant, the most volatile of three polygamist wives on HBO’s Big Love. As Sevigny prepared for the release of Barry Munday—she has a small role as the bad-girl sister of Judy Greer, who’s carrying the child of a man who recently lost his testicles—The A.V. Club spoke to her about branching into comedy, why she thought this past season of Big Love was “awful,” and living with the twin stigmas of her infamous turn in Brown Bunny and that “It girl” past.

電影事業初期,賽芬伊的「Edie Sedgwick去掉狂顛憂鬱」慵懶形象讓大眾/風格導演對她為之瘋狂(比如說,獲得因地精典如《最後的迪斯可》演的出,以及前男友胖忍的作品),從《男孩別哭》的奧斯卡提名開始。但小克馬不停蹄,在過去十年不動聲色的堆砌一長串與「酷」無關的傑出表演;並在幾個月前,終因演出《三棲大丈夫》性情反覆的妮琪小賤人抱回小金球,一吐輸給裘莉的怨氣。小克這陣子為了《拜瑞盲天》的發行趴趴走 - 她在電影裡飾演Judy Greer的壞姐妹、Judy懷了失去命根子男主角的小孩 - The A.V. Club坐下來和女神聊聊演喜劇的感覺、為什麼上一季的大愛劇場那麼糟?以及帶著「雙胞胎汙點」(惡名昭彰《小綜兔》;「風騷女」往日情)繼續特立獨行的不顧一切。

The A.V. Club: You’re known for choosing movies based on directors, but Barry Munday is from a first-time director, Chris D’Arienzo. So what attracted you to the project?

小克有從導演挑電影的好眼光,但《拜瑞盲天》是新人Chris D’Arienzo的處女作。這個合作哪裡吸引妳?

Chloë Sevigny: The script and meeting him. I have worked with a lot of first-time directors, and I tend to work with writer-directors. Kim Peirce was a first-time director on Boys Don’t Cry—and several others I can’t list right now. Just meeting with them and getting a sense of them, and getting a sense of their tastes, and what kind of films they like, and what kind of things they want to make. With Chris, he kept referencing Hal Ashby, who’s one of my favorite filmmakers of all time. Just getting a sense of how he wanted to make this film, the tone, and whatnot. So yeah, that’s why I was attracted to it.

劇本和與(導演)克里斯見面,這兩者打動了我。我還蠻常和初生之犢合作的,但他們得是自編自導好青年 - 小克原則。《男孩別哭》就是金的第一部導演作品阿,當然還有其他的啦,祖繁不及備載。我和這些導演見面,理解他們的電影品味、最愛清單、他們想拍怎樣的電影。克里斯很愛提Hal Ashby,小克最愛的電影工作者之一!就麼簡單,我們一拍即合。[怎麼感覺很簡單就上鉤了@@]


AVC: You used to say that you always wanted to do a big comedy. Now that you’ve finally done one, do you still want to do comedy? 


[Laughs.] I’d like to try to attempt more. I don’t really think that my character was that comedic in this. I kind of thought she was more of the straight girl. But yeah, of course I want to try it. I want to challenge myself. And I think on Big Love, my character is often quite comedic. But I’m so comfortable there that it’s easy for me. 


AVC: That’s true. You’re often very funny on Big Love.


CS: I get a lot of zingers. She’s hilarious. [Laughs.] She’s very snarky. 


AVC: You aren’t classically trained. From your perspective, is there a difference between acting in drama vs. comedy?


CS: I guess for me, it’s all the same. I mean, I haven’t really done straight-up comedy. I guess [Barry Munday] was. I was very intimidated walking into this situation and watching Judy [Greer] and Patrick [Wilson]. They were so funny, and I was scared shitless, really. [Laughs.] I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to make any sort of mark. I’m still disappointed with what I did in the film.


Judy Greer: Kerker.

AVC: Why are you disappointed?


I don’t know. I feel that I didn’t make enough of a presence. I could see myself shying away. Even physically, I could see myself turning in on myself—bowing my head and pulling my shoulders in. 

喔我不知道。小克在電影裡沒有很搶眼。我害羞掉了。即使是肢體語言上我都很退縮 - 低頭縮肩膀的。

AVC: Do you think casting directors have a problem seeing you as a comic actress?


CS: Probably. I don’t know. I think they have a lot of problems. [Laughs.] I think they don’t know what to think of me as. I know there are a lot of parts that I’ve been going out for, and they’re like, “Well, you’re not really like the every-girl, but you’re not the movie star, either.” I’m kind of falling somewhere between that.


AVC: A lot of your characters have a very subtle sexuality, but this one is really out there; you even do a striptease at one point. Was that unusual for you?


CS: No, I kind of like that stuff. I am a Scorpio, and playing the seductress appeals to me. There are a lot of women throughout film history, like Marlene Dietrich or Mae West—those are the women I was always attracted to. The bad girls. I felt like this character was a little bit of a bad girl.

喔不,我喜歡這類的東西。我是天蠍女,扮演挑逗者很吸引我。電影史中的很多女人,像是Marlene Dietrich或Mae West - 都是一直很吸引我。壞女孩。這個角色有點淘氣。

AVC: This past season of Big Love has taken a lot of flak for being so over-the-top.


CS: It was awful this season, as far as I’m concerned. I’m not allowed to say that! [Gasps.] It was very telenovela. I feel like it kind of got away from itself. The whole political campaign seemed to me very farfetched. I mean, I love the show, I love my character, I love the writing, but I felt like they were really pushing it this last season. And with nine episodes, I think they were just squishing too much in. HBO only gave us nine Sundays, because they have so much other original programming—especially with The Pacific—and they only have a certain amount of Sundays per year, so we only got nine Sundays. I think that they had more story than episodes. I think that’s what happened.

那季實在太糟了,甚至對妮琪來說。但我是主角耶怎麼可以唱衰!(摀嘴)太像拉丁美洲肥皂劇了。我感覺主線跑掉了:比爾從政的劇情太牽強。小克熱愛大愛劇場、妮琪小賤人以及細膩劇本,但上一季的暴走路線不討喜。他們在九集裡塞太多東西。HBO只給我們九個星期天,因為其它原創大製作更重要 - 特別是 太平洋戰爭 - 一年有幾個星期天阿,我們得到九個。他們比較重視故事而非每集的平均分配,小克這麼覺得。[有可能是這樣小克在金球獎上不理湯姆漢克斯(太平洋製作人)?!]

AVC: It sort of became like Mormon Dynasty.


[Laughs.] I know, I know. I’ve heard a lot of other things like that.


AVC: What was it like when they first laid out what they wanted to accomplish this season? What was your reaction?


They don’t. We only get it episode to episode. We never know what’s going to happen in the next episode until we’re almost finished shooting the one we’re shooting at present. Me and the girls [Jeanne Tripplehorn and Ginnifer Goodwin] definitely were not very happy with where it was going—or more kind of, “We really hope it’s going to work. It seems like they’re really pushing it.” I think next season, they’re going to go back to more just the family. I think that the stuff with Ben and Lois and that stuff was really great in Mexico, but… [Laughs.]

哪有,每次他們只給我們一集的劇本。我們永遠不知道下一集會怎樣,直到這一集快拍完。妮琪和大小老婆都不太開勳,我們抱怨:「真希望這樣寫觀眾會買帳,但你們太誇張了喲!」下一季會好一點啦,焦點回到家庭本身。班、路易斯以及墨西哥的一切,真是難以啟齒阿 ... (ㄎㄎ)

AVC: A part of the show’s initial appeal was how it at least tried to stay grounded in some semblance of reality. Now that it’s gotten away from that, how do you keep things from turning into self-parody? 


CS: I guess I just focus on it from scene to scene. Like, “Why is she behaving like this in this scene?” She’s a very particular, peculiar character, when you think of her circumstances. And this season, she was going through an adolescence that she never had, acting out, and vicariously living through her daughter, and realizing stuff she missed out on, and trying to find herself with the different looks.
I think it was a very complicated season for her. And you know, the whole relationship with the daughter, and then J.J. [Laughs.] There’s always so much going on.



AVC: Like how J.J.’s trying to inject her with an incest baby?


Oh God, I know. Oh, God. It’s too much. It’s too much. But I hope the fans will stick with us and tune in next year. There’s a lot of people who really love this season, surprisingly. God, I’m going to get in so much trouble. [Laughs.]


比爾和J.J.(戲精Željko Ivanek

AVC: Even before this season, Nicki has seemed like a really difficult character to play, because her behavior is always being influenced by other men, and what she wants tends to fluctuate. How does that affect your motivation?


I mean, there’s not much I can do. It is how it’s written, and I have to work it out and figure out why she’s doing the things she is. The creators are very articulate, and they help us a lot. If we have questions, like “Why? What’s the motivation?” they can like [Snaps her fingers.] in a second tell you, and it makes complete sense. I don’t know if you’ve watched any of their post-show interviews, but they’re really bright men, and they make it all make sense in your head. I just try to think how she would react in a particular circumstance. I think like, going to D.C., she brought the gun because she read about D.C., and she thought it was the most violent town in America—which it is, one of the most violent cities in America. [Laughs.] Her having the gun doesn’t seem that farfetched to me.


AVC: It almost sounds like what polygamist husbands do to their wives: make it all make sense.


Yeah. [Laughs.]


Harper's Bazaar Russia April 2010

To Be Continued ...

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