
慘澹經營的六七月,最喜歡朴贊郁的《分手的決心Decision to Leave》。

Total: 4



Béla Tarr《都靈之馬A torinói ló》(2011)



好險沒去電影院觀賞(論大螢幕之無法逃脫),極度冗長陳悶的兩個半小時。難看,Béla Tarr一次就夠了謝謝。水煮馬鈴薯,沙塵,強風與倔馬。上帝也棄絕之地,堅持活下去或是絕食,都是只是風暴中的一粒沙,微不足道。


Martin Scorsese《純真年代The Age of Innocence》(1993)


Scorsese對1920紐約上流社會的各種細節忠於小說原著,鉅細靡遺地考究,是電影一大看點。白月光與硃砂痣,但筆者對Scorsese一向無欲無愛,男女主角愛情角力讓人出戲(不覺得有多匹配,一定是Michelle Pfeiffer得罪造型師),唯獨Winona Ryder絕地大反攻實在太好看:白月光不僅僅是白月光,暗地裡也需要各種盤算與心思。素著清麗的臉龐,說著最殘忍的話,Winona Ryder單靠這一段就贏得了觀眾的心。

另外也喜歡Michelle Pfeiffer看著燈塔與夕陽的背影。彩蛋是飾演大兒子的Robert Sean Leonard。


Greta Gerwig《芭比Barbie》(2023)


It is literally impossible to be a woman.
You are very beautiful and very smart... and it breaks my soul that you think you're not good enough, like we're always supposed to be extraordinary, but somehow we're always doing it wrong.
We have to be skinny, but not too much and you must not say you want to be skinny. You must say you want a healthy weight, but also… YES you have to be skinny.
You must have money, but you can't ask for money because that would be rude.
You gotta be a boss, but you can't be tough. You must lead, but you cannot crush other people's ideas.
You're supposed to love being a mom, but you don't talk about your kids all the time.
You have to be a professional, but also always take care of everyone else.
You are responsible for men's misbehavior, WHICH IS CRAZY, but if you notice that, you're accused of being a whine.
You're expected to keep yourself pretty for men, but not so pretty you 'try them too much' or threaten other women… because you're supposed to be part of the sorority.
You must always stand out and always be very grateful… but never forget the system is fixed, so find how to acknowledge it but remember to be grateful.
You must never grow old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never stumble, never fail or show fear and, of course, you must never be sassy.
It's very hard, it's too contradictory and nobody gives you a medal or says thank you. And it turns out, in fact, that not only are you doing everything WRONG, but also, everything that happens is YOUR FAULT.
I'm tired of seeing myself and every woman doing the impossible for others to love us.

America Ferrera用盡全身力氣對Barbie喊出這段獨白,讓身為生理女的筆者也為之動容。女性主義運動被扭曲與極端化到了難以忍受的地步,可這一段獨白內的女性處境卻仍未有進展。《芭比Barbie》絕對不是一部只強調女權的電影,當男子氣概當道的肯尼主導芭比世界時,平權的概念被Greta Gerwig有技巧的反用與挪用:男性或女性制霸都不是解藥,造成獨權的背後原因有可能只是恐懼及不理解。Greta Gerwig再次交出漂亮的成績單,從不被看好與(因為先前釋出的劇照)恥笑中,溫柔與暴烈地,娓娓道來。《芭比Barbie》絕對是今年最跌破筆者眼鏡的電影,好的那種。


Chan-wook Park《分手的決心Decision to Leave》(2022)









La danza de la realidad (2013) by Alejandro Jodorowsky


Alejandro Jodorowsky真的是一個瘋子欸!努力了一半還是看不下去。





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