Even though Obama won the election, due to his lack of experience, I cannot help but wonder: What if, Hilary?
儘管歐巴馬勝選, 但因為這位政壇新鮮人缺乏經驗, 我無法停止幻想: 如果是希拉蕊, 會怎樣?
Everybody said they aren't biased toward women, but I think they have a problem with women incharge.
美國人總愛說他們沒有性別歧視, 但我總覺得他們對女人當權這件事很感冒.
During the election, they called her a bitch, an ice queen, un-feminine, a witch.
初選期間, 媒體毫不吝於用髒話侮辱這位女強人: 賤人, 冷酷, 沒有女人味, 巫婆.
But no! no they said. We are not chuavinist!
但是沒有! 絕對沒有! 我們絕對不是沙豬!
What I don't uderstand is, why can't they just admit it?
我不能理解的是, 他們幹麻不承認阿? 寧願用許多藉口來搪塞.
But if Anericans are afraid of admitting they are chuavinist, aren't we afraid of admitting we are racist? (哈哈怎麼變成慾望城市XDD)
但如果美國人羞於承認自己有性別歧視, 難道台灣人對於自己有種族歧視很坦盪盪嗎? (我幹麻自己翻譯自己的英文阿)
Everybody is a racist. From the time we born, we discriminate people who are different from us.
The most obvious examples might be from church.
"Who would want your child to marry an aboriginal?" I heard this from a friend.
"There's too much aboriginal kids in church." From my mom.
A relationship is fine. But no, no marriage between different races.
交往是OK啦. 但不行喔! 結婚可不行!
Bisexual/Gay/Lesbian is fine, I support them. But no, no my kids cannot come out of the closet!
我全力支持同性戀/雙性戀的權利. 但不行喔! 我自己的小孩怎麼可以出櫃?
I am not superstition, OK? But no, no my cell phone number cannot have 4 in it!
我哪有迷信阿, 拜託! 但我的手機號碼怎麼可以有四這個數字! 這樣不好吧?
被扣上沙文主義, 性別歧視, 種族歧視的大帽子情何以堪?
但潛意識裡, 我們的真實自我卻不斷的在生活中的片斷顯現.
看到老外會情不自禁的在心理默默練習生疏的英文文法(not me)
高中老師說: 倫敦很可怕, 地鐵都是黑人! 我沒有種族歧視喔! 只是覺得很可怕而已.
At the end of the day, we are all racist. And Jesus is white.
by Hh_荷荷貝瑞
- Nov 06 Thu 2008 20:35
Chauvinsit, 面子, 潛意識, Racist